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Updated: Apr 16, 2024


The Prophet Joseph Smith: “Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 255–56).

Happiness is defined in the Book of Mormon by the prophet-king Benjamin as “the blessed and happy state of those [that] keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual, and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.Mosiah 2:41


President James E. Faust: "In Tolstoy’s book War and Peace, the Russian writer had his character Pierre Bezúkhov learn 'that man is created for happiness, that happiness is within him, in the satisfaction of simple human needs, and that all unhappiness arises not from privation but from superfluity' (trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude [1942], 1176). So often we find ourselves striving for the superfluity. We are not content with what we have and think that happiness comes from having more or acquiring more or being more. We look for happiness but go in the wrong direction to find it." (Oct 2000)

Elder Gary B. Sabin of the Seventy: "Therefore, my first observation is that building upon the foundation of Jesus Christ is essential to our happiness. This is a sure foundation, “a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.” Doing so prepares us for the challenges of life, come what may....I bear you my witness of the divinity of the Savior of the world and of His redemptive love and power to heal, strengthen, and lift us when we are earnestly striving to come unto Him. Conversely, there is no way we can move with the crowd and also toward Jesus." (Oct 2023)

Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness. Alma 41:10


President David O. McKay taught: “Gratitude is deeper than thanks. Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts” (“The Meaning of Thanksgiving,” Improvement Era, Nov. 1964, 914).

Elder Sabin: "We are surrounded by innumerable blessings that we can easily take for granted if we are not mindful. Conversely, when nothing is expected and everything is appreciated, life becomes magical... you will never be happier than you are grateful." (Oct 2023)


President Faust: "The problem is that too many of us try to consume happiness rather than generate it." (Oct 2000)

33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Luke 10:33-35

An unknown poet has written:

Success is speaking words of praise,

In cheering other people’s ways,

In doing just the best you can

With every task and every plan.

It’s silence when your speech would hurt,

Politeness when your neighbor’s curt.

It’s deafness when the scandal flows

And sympathy with others’ woes.

It’s loyalty when duty calls.

It’s courage when disaster falls.

It’s patience when the hours are long.

It’s found in laughter and in song.

It’s in the silent time of prayer,

In happiness and in despair.

In all of life and nothing less,

We find the thing we call success.

Elder Sabin: "...what if all of our sins had an odor? What if we could smell dishonesty, lust, envy, or pride? With our own weaknesses revealed, we would hopefully be a little more considerate and careful of others and, likewise, they with us as we make the needed changes in our lives. I actually love the smell of tobacco in church because it indicates someone is trying to change. They need our welcoming arms around them.

"President Russell M. Nelson has wisely said, 'One of the easiest ways to identify a true follower of Jesus Christ is how compassionately that person treats other people'...

"As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are asked to trust Heavenly Father and our Savior and not attempt to replace Them. Jesus Christ knows everyone’s imperfections perfectly and will judge them perfectly." (Oct 2023)


President Faust: "That inner peace spoken of by the Savior seems elusive when we are preoccupied with things we have or things we wish we had. ... Some years ago a special child was born to a young mother. This child was born without eyes. It was normal in all other respects except there was nothing to resemble eyes or sockets above the nose. This mother might in bitterness have said, 'Why did this have to happen to my child?' or 'Why did this have to happen to me?' Instead she said: 'The Lord must really love us and have confidence in us. We really must be favored to have been given this child. To think the Lord picked our home, knowing how much special love and care this child would need, is very humbling and comforting. We are grateful for this special child and for the blessings it will bring to our home.'” (Oct 2000)

Elder Quentin L. Cook: "Church leaders are frequently asked, 'Why does a just God allow bad things to happen, especially to good people?' and 'Why are those who are righteous and in the Lord’s service not immune from such tragedies?' We do not know all the answers; however, we do know important principles that allow us to face trials, tribulation, and adversities with faith and confidence in a bright future that awaits each of us ...

"In His atoning sacrifice, Jesus Christ took upon Himself our pains, afflictions, and infirmities. Because of this, He knows ‘according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities’ (Alma 7:12; see also verse 11). He invites, ‘Come unto me,’ and as we do, He gives us rest, hope, strength, perspective, and healing (Matthew 11:28; see also verses 29–30). As we rely on Jesus Christ and His Atonement, He can help us endure our trials, sicknesses, and pain. We can be filled with joy, peace, and consolation. All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.Oct 2023 General Conference

Elder Sabin: "There is a wise line in a song from the film The Prince of Egypt that states, “Look at your life through heaven’s eyes.” As the knowledge of our divine lineage and eternal potential sinks deep into our souls, we will be able to view life as a purposeful, unfolding adventure to learn and grow from, even as “we see through a glass, darkly,” for a short season." (Oct 2023)


“Having negative thoughts and feelings means I’m a normal human being.” Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT

“A rich and meaningful life is created through taking action. But not just any action. It happens through effective action, guided by and motivated by your values. And in particular, it happens through committed action: action that you take again and again, no matter how many times you fail or go off track.” Russ Harris, The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT

  1. Happiness is the Natural State of Human Beings

  2. If You're Not Happy, You're Defective

  3. To Create a Better Life, We Must Get Rid of Negative (Uncomfortable) Feelings

  4. You Should be able to Control What You Think and Feel (Think Happy Thoughts and You'll Be Happy)


What is a go-to scripture, quote, story, photo, picture, video, memory, artifact, souvenir, meme, etc. that is a source of happiness for you?

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