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Experiences to Strengthen (Chapter 2)

Updated: Aug 9

"We learn from and are strengthened by the experiences of one another." p. 17

Case Study

Lance is enrolled in the "Divine Gift of Forgiveness" class at the Institute. As he prepared for class one day, he was reading in Chapter 2 of all the experiences others have had with repentance and forgiveness. Some stories made Lance feel hopeful. Other stories made Lance feel guilt and shame. He was talking to roommates about his experience a little later in the day and they agreed that repentance isn't always easy but that it's awesome when you begin to feel clean and have more confidence before Jesus. The thought that circles Lance's head is: "I feel like I'm a good guy and I talk to my bishop regularly about my porn habit. But I still feel like I'm lacking in some way. The distance between me and the Godhead is too wide."

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